Alive Blue

Prof. Fatmah Ali

Employing digital art and thermal printing on three large silk cylinders hanging from the ceiling, with digital drawings of a woman with her child in different positions. Five white stairs are installed and suspended at different heights in the workplace. suggesting anxiety about whether to climb them or to escape?!!

Three silk cylinders are swimming, like dreams, empty except for remains of digital drawings of a woman with her child around her surrounding.The cylindrical curtains indicate the  absence of hope, or an ambition clinging to vague stairs in the deep silence prevailing in the air, just like the silent women floating over cylindrical edges of air.The artist created his own interior space, inside the cylinders of air-filled silk curtains.Here is a multisensory experience, so much like a psychological maze.

The Lover’s Autumn

Prof. Abdel Aziz El-Gendy

Now and after several years full of successive participations and successes, artist Mohamed Eid meets his audience with a solo performance; it is composed of artworks which is the intensity of his artistic and life experience. After going through more than one field, including drawing, engraving, painting, and installation, proving himself in them, Eid settles down a bit and catches his breath on a dreamy beach of painting with the taste of drawing. He does not forget his faculty days as a diligent student who graduated from the graphic department at the faculty of fine arts, and his fondness for drawing and his mastery of it with a delicate sense and exquisite composition. He loves details, caressing them on the surfaces of his drawn and printed paintings. He also does not forget his bold intrusion, but with the same subtlety, into the world of three-dimensional artworks which are represented in his delicate and expressive installation. He is touching areas of the soul with sincerity and a very private expression, but at the same time, he expresses a general reality that can touch and express all of us.


Eid gained his current experience from these various tributaries. He held his breath and gathered all his strength represented in yesterday’s experiences, today’s maturity, and his foresight for a promising future lays its foundations from now to present his new project. The artist chose for himself a suitable date at the crossroads to summarize for us what went before, and combine skilfully all the threads to produce a special integrated experience that contains the new art and clearly expresses his dreamy and contemplative personality.

In his personal solo show, Eid combined his mastery of drawing and his tightly formed compositions, studying skilfully and masterly their details, with his delicate and dreamy spirit. The viewer finds in his artworks characters that he knows

and is familiar with, in the style of the times and features we see every day, they are formed in special compositions and combinations of elements bearing the scent of the dreamy state melted in love on which the artist built his experience. Between the absence of the beloved and his presence, Eid expresses himself with great passion and with vocabulary that combines life and death, and the blocks and details at one time and neglecting them consciously and cautiously at another time, leaving vast voids that express spiritual contemplation and asceticism. We view the unification of the bodies between meeting and being away and their association with branches and barren twigs that carry the meanings of life in its autumn. We look at the bright and dull color at the same time, expressing the confusion between joy and anticipation, vitality and calmness, and movement and stillness. The colors can only be described as a dreamy state that contains asceticism, devotion, and contemplation of perplexing anticipating confusing life. Intense thirst is expressed by the artist in his longing for the beloved and his passion for uniting his spirit and for containing him to forget all his worries and sorrows.

We can say that the artist was able to bring us in minutes into his private world, penetrating its limits quietly, leaving ourselves, our diaries, and our personalities outside. We are viewing his imagination, hopes, and dreams peak and his expressions of his sadness with a tenderness that present deep sadness and a burning hope dreaming of a rosy future that he seeks in all his artworks.

Now and after he brought us to meet him among the vocabulary of his state to feel together with the essence of his feelings,

him his rumination of what has passed and his anticipation of what is to come. This experience came at its right time to strongly summarize the past experience and prove the maturity of performance, paving the way for future conquests in which he will have promising journeys and tours and more self-discoveries, yearning for everything new and beautiful.

Personal green

Salah Besar

جاء التجهيز فى الفراغ للفنان محمد عيد احمد ” اخضر خاص ” محاولة لتجسيد حب الفضول عند البعض ..ليس بداعى المعرفة ولكن من اجل تتبع خطى الاخرين والتدخل فى شؤونهم ومعرفة تفاصيل حياتهم وهو يقول فى مفهومه للعمل :”ماسر سعادتهم ما الجدوى ومتى يتوقفون

اين اختفى مابيننا من حدود .

فى عالم لم يعد يرى ذلك الخط الحائل بين الحيز الخاص ..وفضول الاخرين ..فناى الكثير بانفسهم فى عزلة بعيدا عن اللغط ومباريات الكلام ..وعبث التكهنات . “.

وقد ترجم الفنان عيد هذا المفهوم المعنوى ..الى تجهيز فى الفراغ او تشكيل مجسم عبارة عن دولاب ابيض ينتمى للبوب الشعبى محلى بالرسوم ..كنارات من الزهور والورود ..ومزود بالرفوف وعلى السطح الخارجى حشود من العيون المتطلعة والكائنات الدقيقة الدخيلة..ومع الاضواء الهامسة تنساب الكلمات تساهم فى تجسيد تلك الحالة .. وقد لجا الى اخضره الخاص من خلال الرمز” الدولاب ” .